Saturday, June 03, 2006

I hate Big Brother... REALLY

I've decided that I'm going to take one of me Pet Peeves out for a walk, so if you care to join us feel free.

I hate Big Brother! I even looked in a Thesaurus to find a more appropriate word, but I was unable. Fortunately for me it is on almost every time I turn on the T.V.. I'll be honest I've never really been a T.V. watcher, however, since arriving in Australia it has increased dramatically. I believe this has something to do with the fact that I don't know anyone and Erin has to study on occasion (although I've caught her laying solitaire on her laptop a number of times, but I digress), so this leaves me with four options 1) read which I have been frequently, but you can only read so much 2) play Sony Play Station, but again you can exhaust that option quite quickly 3) go for a run, but I usually go before dark, which happens to be at 5:30 here and finally 4) watch t.v.

Here is the wonderful world of Adelaide there are only 4 channels available on farmer vision and one of them is devoted to showing the locals what snow looks like 90% of the time. The other three channels offer the usual programming you get in Canada, however, we are (Australia) 6 months behind. Channel ten has decided that it has nothing better than Big Brother to offer its customers, so they have managed to arrange 20 hours a week of programming. I actually just counted it in the T.V. guide. Some of the different options for the faithful Big Brother viewer are Big Brother, Big Brother Up Late, Big Brother: Friday night live, Big Brother: Live Eviction (this is the important one because the sooner they evict the sooner it will be off the tube), Big Brother: Live Nomination and for the naughty viewer there is Big Brother: Adults Only (yes I know you just thought back to that first time you were in an adults only store and no you aren't a rebel for doing it... we all have).

It is evident that there are a lot of different options for the faithful Big Brother viewer and I'm sure there are the "hardcore" fans who manage to watch all of them, which is the beauty of the VCR or DVD recorder, which allows us "hardcores" to watch these events unfold. But for goodness sake... what about us folk who don't enjoy Big Brother? Sure we could turn to another channel, but thats not the point! No one television program should take up (give me one second to do the math) 12% of all the programming unless it is the news (which happens to take up about 10% of the programming). I'm sure that if it weren't for Aussie Rules Football you would add another 5 or 6 hours of Big Brother. Not only the programming, but you charge me $2.50 every time I text message my eviction vote in... I'm going broke, so please stop the craziness.
Well thank you for taking a walk with me and my pet peeve... I hope you enjoyed it!

The Oyster and beer tasting that I will be partaking in

missing the first Bomber game...sighhh.....

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