Tuesday, August 26, 2008

So yeah...

The funniest thing just happened....I read this article http://www.latimes.com/news/printedition/front/la-sci-cows26-2008aug26,0,7995538.story
and decided to flip a coin 10 times... It landed on heads 7 times, so I assume the tail must be bottom heavy.

Congrats to the Gambier Centrals as they clinched their second Premiership in a row drawing with inter 2-2.

September can't come soon enough... I am plain sick of winter. Not that its cold, its just that I want it to be sunny and 25 out every day. This will be good for me, but most likely bad for you since that most likely means it will be cloudy and -25 where your from.

I truly have nothing of any substance to say. Mount Gambier doesn't offer a lot of talk. I managed to come up with the catchy phrase Mount Shitmore... this drew a chuckle. I'm really quite perplexed as to what I am going to do once December rolls around.

Things I Like This Week
  • Don't have to spend too much time working on my visa application

Things I don't like this week

  • Seems as though people feel the necessity to continue talking about Michael Phelps
  • My space bar keeps sticking

Saturday, August 16, 2008

Nothing terribly exciting

Well in case anyone is interested... I am officially two weeks away from being departed... I finally have all my teaching stuff settled, but now I need to get my visa application in ASAP. I can't tell you how much I have enjoyed participating in the visa application process... seriously.

Spent a couple days down in Adelaide to attend my graduation ceremony that Erin forced me to go to.... I know why I wasn't disappointed that I missed the U of M ceremony. However, it was nice to meet up with friends I hadn't caught up with in a bit.

Every dollar that Canada spends on their Summer Olympic athletes is a dollar wasted.

Greg's son Brayden will be celebrating his first birthday next week... Happy birthday.

Things I like this week
  • Pretty pumped that the track and Field has started up and that the swimming is finally coming to a close.
  • Visa application will be submitted now that I have completed blood test, urine sample and chest x-ray.

Things I don't like this week

  • Quiz night as every question is Australian and I am clueless
  • Erin going out of town... Mount Gambier might be a tad boring.