Sunday, July 27, 2014

Those Closest

Those who are closest to me have endured me talking about is Ironman for months. Never, not once has anyone close to me shown any sign of Ironman fatigue. If anything I believe I have gotten more tired of the topic than I have. With this talk there have been many times where I have talked about doubt in the journey.

" Working hard is important, but there is something that matters even more. Believing in yourself"

The amazing thing about those closest to me is that even when I doubted myself, they always believed in me and I owe many thanks. I wanted to share with those people that tomorrow I do believe I will swim 4kms, that I will bike 180kms and I will complete my 15th marathon and much of that belief comes from the support I have from them, thank you.

Oh and the deep wisdom I shared above... Harry Potter.

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