Tuesday, July 08, 2014

So it begins

Well the cat is away getting back to her root(s) in Australia, so the mice play. A month long road trip for Cooper and I.

The trip got off to a good start! We set out to leave at 8, so of course we left at 11, I consider this about right. The car if FULL, Cooper is perplexed and I am excited. Highlight of the trip was pulling over in Virden because of a hail storm that left visibility at nonexistent. It was about this time that I remembered what I forgot, which was inevitable. Tomorrow to Calgary, Stampede Week!

3 Things I Think

1) Packing for a Ironman, wedding and camping trip is a task.

2) Leaving ones bike front tire... Not good.

3) Swift Current, mosquitos like Winning, Trans-Canada through the centre of town and Cooper and I  resting here for now.

1 comment:

Mom said...

Looking forward to hearing more about Copper's and your adventures.