What is new with me you ask. Nothing I say! Got back from my 8 day camp trip with "special" kids. Wasn't too bad of a trip. It only rained once and despite not sleeping in a tent I only got slightly wet. Kids weren't too bad considering. The worst that happened was the boys peeing on each others things before bed. It is so odd, if someone had peed on my things at any time in my life I would have been bordering on rage. However, these guys found it funny. Not fun though laying in bed hearing the sound of pee and wondering if you should do the responsible thing and check on the boys... I didn't.
On the "Where in the World is Danny Mitchell?" front. Well, I've decided to head back to the Great White North come the end of December. If I can work it I might stay till late January to soak up a little sun, but we'll see.
Soccer is still going desperately bad. Presently I am sitting out a one game suspension because of a tete-a-tete with some jackass. This made the kids very happy at school.
Things I like this week
Saw a friend win $50 on the VLT machine, so I put in $1 and won myself $95.
The Toronto Blue Jays appear to continue to play respectively.
I won this weeks Footy tipping pool at school. You wouldn't know it from this week, but I don't even gamble.
Things I Don't Like This Week
The pain in both my knees just doesn't seem to go away. I can't lift my legs up while sitting in a chair and straighten them.
Like everyone else, the continuous oil leak. That is a lot of fossil fuels leaking up to the surface
That every weekend isn't a long weekend. How the world would be a better place with 4 days on and three days off.
so happy to hear that you're coming home. Everyone misses you so much.
Auntie Diane
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