Sunday, December 02, 2007

Its Hot

Hello kids,
How is everyone? Before I get started I want to wish Dave Lauder a Happy Birthday... I hope you had a good one.

I'm just sitting here gasping for air at midnight as the air is thick and humid because it is so damn hot... I'm pretty certain that I will not be sleeping well tonight with such warm conditions. I know you can all sympathize with me on how difficult it is to sleep when its warm outside.

Not much happening here. I am finally... FINALLY... finished school for the semester. It seemed like it was over after my practicum, but no they had one nasty treat left for me. My last assignment was a total of just under 100 pages and consisted of approximately 38,000 words.. yes you read that correctly.. 38,000 words. My teacher is off his rocker. The last time I checked I wasn't in the midst of writing my thesis, but rather unit plans for Ultimate Frisbee, Football, Floor Hockey and Golf. In case anyone cares to know... I ma confident that I have the best unit of flag football in all of South Australia... It is of no concern that I may be the only one in all of South Australia that knows anything about Flag football.. it still is number one.

I don't want to talk about those sad sack Bombers for too long, but I did want to make mention of one fact... watching the game (or in my case listening) was not disappointing because they lost, but rather it was disappointing listening to the game because at no point did you actually feel like they were going to win the game. Even with 1m30s to go and the ball at midfield just before numb nuts threw his third interception one could make the argument that it felt like they had the chance to win. I did not have those same tingly feelings.. as I sat 40cms away from the laptop listening to the game it was as if I was waiting for that interception and not a touchdown.. the loss almost seemed inevitable.

Greg I know you may be slightly concerned about Brett Favre and his injury... no need my friend. I have had a number of separated shoulders and there is very little pain involved in the injury, but rather a discomfort because the shoulder is so weak. I feel that Favre could easily play in the game without too much discomfort, however, after one of two good shots he will be in a little bit of trouble because when he falls towards the ground his left arm will not be able to sustain the blow and he will crash violently into the ground.

For those of you who are unaware... Erin is back in the Peg so please if you get a chance say hello to her.

I bought three plants to decorate the apartment.. they are doing well..I will keep you up to date on their health and growth. I wish I had more to tell, but I have just been so darn busy as of lately... I hope all is well in Canada.

  • Got into a rather heated debate with a med student over his claim the Rexall Place in Edmonton has the best ice in the NHL and I too have heard this before. However, how exactly does one qualify ice being the best.. his rebuttal was ask an NHL player to which I said well what if player A says one ice surface and player B says another.. how is right? It seems rather arbitrary to say on is better than the other...


  • No home work
  • I got mail from Greg Morris.. I loved the pictures!!


  • No school this week... despite my bitching I still kind of enjoy it.
  • First running injury in ages.. pulled hamstring.. not happy about it
  • Having trouble loading pictures for the blog, so sorry.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi Dan,

Thanks for the birthday wish.

Yeah, I know what you mean about gasping for air. That happens all the time in the 'Peg. Oh, wait, I'm gasping for air out of shock because the air is so freakin' cold!!

Too bad about the Bombers. I know what you mean about not having that feeling. I turned off the TV and the radio at the start of the 3rd when they fumbled. Knew it was over right then.

Hope you have better luck with the plants than I have had with mine lately. How do you kill ivy? I've managed to do that twice. I have 2 lovely brown plant remains hanging from my wall just to remind me.

Enjoy your time off.
