Tuesday, November 20, 2007

I'm back


I'm alive... its true. You may be wondering what happened to me (or not) and although I'm not going to go into a detailed explanation I'll give you the coles notes version.

Erin and I moved... yes our lease was up, so we found a place not to far away and we are extremely happy about or upgrade (we now have carpet, but we no longer have air conditioning).

My birthday came and went and I'm a year older and a little better looking. On my birthday (the day before actually) we played the finals of our hockey and we lost in a shootout... the other team was stacked with players from the so called professional team here in Adelaide and we had a bunch of 16-year-olds, myself and a 40-year-old Canadian. We played well and I was very proud of our team. That night went to what may have been the best house party I've been to in Adelaide.. free beer, so you can't really go wrong. Now on my actual birthday I had a nasty.. nasty hangover and I was considering asking the good lord to take me a spare me of the pain I went through... I didn't though and lived to tell about it. It also turns out of had a few other hangovers since, so apparently I haven't learned my lesson.

Ran the Melbourne Marathon October 5th I believe it was... race was great expect that I ran the first 5 kms in 30 minutes, which is extremely slow.. once the race broke open a bit I managed to run most of the race at a 4m30s clip, but because of the slow start I only ran the race in 3h18m. I thought I would have been able to qualify for the Boston Marathon if it weren't for the slow start, but what can you do?

Went on a 5-week practicum for school. Day 1 I only had two kids cry, but after that it was great. I won't go into too much detail, but I am super excited about becoming a teacher and actually getting paid for it.

Went Mountain biking on an actual Mountain Bike course... never realized how fun it was or how sore your butt can get the next day.

Our neighbour his psycho. We BBQ close to our flat... someone complained, so I began BBQing near the road about 20 steps away from the apartment. They asked me to move to the other side of the building in a garden area and BBQ about 2 steps away from the building. Pretty certain that 2 steps is closer then 20.. I've even counted out the damn steps for the guy, but he clearly mental health issues and I was not about to pick an argument with his autistic ways.

Bought plane ticket to New Zealand for December 30th.. very excited.

I have my first UniSA teacher that I do no like. Philippa Millroy.. I would take great enjoyment in giving you a swift kick in your cottage cheese ass.

Erin has been studying diligently... she has exams this Saturday and then she goes back to Canada on the 30th.

Possums scare the dickens out of me when BBQing in the dark... damn sneaky animals. I'm pretty sure those raccoon like creatures scurry around with tiny little knives in their hands waiting to attack.

Clearly the Bombers do not deserve to win the Grey Cup and without Kevin Glenn there is even more reason why they shouldn't win, but you know what... its that very reason why they just might win.

  • I will be having my first Grey Cup Party next Monday and you are all welcome
  • I will do a better job of writing in here now that we have internet up and running regularly
  • One last assignment till summer break
  • the 30 degree weather we've been having for the last week or two


  • The one last assignment I have to spend the next week doing.
  • Because I haven't been writing in my blog I haven't heard from Dave and Greg.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It's about time you posted something, Dan. Good to see you back.

I don't get it. You camp in the Canadian woods where bears roam free and possums scare you?! I guess if you had actually had a bear encounter at night, possums wouldn't be such a deal. The mind plays tricks.

Congrats on the marathon.

I bet you are going to love NZ. The pictures I have seen of it are incredible.

I won't comment on your birthday hangover except to say that the way you described it in your post looks like you are still suffering from it.

Go Bombers!