Readers of my blog (all six of you) may or may not know that I can occasionally be cynical.. yes its true. I will hear something provocative and more times than not the first thing out of my mouth is "But?" I have read a lot of stuff about Al Gore either in the newspaper, Internet, mostly time articles (which is a left leaning magazine so I'll put an *) and tid bits from both Hillary and Bill Clinton's biographies. Every article makes him out to be the most compelling individual who comes across as the smartest guy in the room (well aside form Bill Clinton, but that's another story). Any topic he broaches he seems to know every angle and has the ability to rebut any argument that someone may come up with.
I often read criticism about how his idea of carbon emission credits is just an excuse for rich guys to give a bit of money to the poor, so they can continue making millions while polluting. I thought this seems like a very plausible argument, but in the last time article I read he makes the argument Gore says (to the U.S. Senate) that this is not rich people continuing to steal from the poor, but rather entrepreneurs purchasing dirty plants, cleaning them up and going ahead and selling them as Co2 reductions. Essentially he is suggesting that rich people may still pollute, but they will also be required to purchase places that are also polluting and clean them up. Thus reducing carbon emissions, but as Companies continue to purchase and clean up dirty plants... more stringent rules will be applied limiting the amount that the original plant of said rich will be allowed to pollute. Yes there will be pollution, but at the very least baby steps will be made to improve the environment and at the same time stimulate the economy... I'm not sure who is right or wrong because I'm no global warming expert, but Gore's argument sure sounds better.
Another tid bit on Al Gore... he is on the Board of Directors and in a consultant for Google. Two observations 1) Pretty good companies to work for whether you think they are evil or not 2) A large chunk of his wage is in stocks... the last time I checked Google and Apple stocks weren't doing to badly. Yes I have drank the kool-Aid!!
Tony Kornheiser has now become my favourite media person to listen/read. No I have not fallen in love with the Washington Post writer because he is on PTI and Monday night Football.. although I do love PTI. Nope, its because of his Radio Show on Washington Post radio... top notch. Its off for the next several months because of Monday Night Football, but there are still episodes available to listen on I-tunes... up and until the end of June. Its worth the listen if you get the chance.
Man am I craving Pizza Pops and Kraft Dinner... have a lovely day.
Wow, Danny, 3 entries in a week and moving soon?? I thought you would be busy packing? Do you really own your own fridge there? Doesn't an apartment come with a fridge and stove?
Sorry, forgot to identify myself !
Auntie Diane
Happy Birthday Danny! Have a good One!!!
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