Sunday, June 25, 2006


I have decided that if there was a Draft where you would have to pick a team that would well.... Just be your team I think I may take a soccer player with my first pick. This team would not compete in any one event or just in sports... This team would be like your posse where you would go out at night together, play sports together, compete in Trivial Pursuit competitions all against other "teams".

There is so much that a world class soccer player could offer and I'm not only talking about their athletic ability. Frequently they will speak more than one language, have sponsors, to known around the world, be good at acting. The only draw back would be that he would be a wimp and I'd be forced to use some of my late rounds picks on some thugs who would be able to protect the team.

Currently Davis Beckham is my number one pick... He may be getting older, but is still a good soccer player, good looking guy, rich, owns a lot of cool cars, came across as a cool guy in a documentary I watched last week, but what really put him over the top is that he can now speak Spanish since moving to Spain, so he must not be all that dumb. Plus who wouldn't want to have the corporate appeal that David Beckham possesses on your team?

I think if you know my parents and get a chance you should watch the movie La Moustache, its about a guy who has had a moustache forever (my dad) and decided to shave it off, but when he gets home his wife (my mom) didn't even notice. I have yet to see it, but I'm going to be on the look out for it.

  • Hasn't happened yet, but I'd love to see England beat Ecuador
  • The prospect of getting mail from my parents this week
  • school starting in the very near future


  • How Australians are the biggest bunch of bandwagoners I have ever seen... Apparently they all love and have been watching soccer for years... They haven't.
  • DiVinci Code... Book was good brain candy, but the movie did not match the hype.
  • How the Blue Jays are such a good team, but whenever they get a chance to catch the Yankees and BoSoxs they loser to lesser teams like the Marlins and the Braves.

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