Saturday, February 24, 2007

Kiss from a rose

I'm certain that I get under our neighbours skin by always playing the live U2 DVD's at a louder volume than need be. However, our upstairs neighbour has more than made up for it by playing Kiss From a Rose by Seal over and over again. If there is a hell there is a good chance that I have a spot waiting for me (I know you just thought to yourself that if theres a hell you won't be going there... quit kidding yourself). If there is one I can see mine being me having to work at the Future Shop warehouse listening to Seal over and over again only to hear the occasional Mumbo Number 5 and the Macarana.

1) Not as hot outside

1) Listening to Seal

Saturday, February 17, 2007

Jelly Fish


I was brutally assaulted by a jelly fish this afternoon. I didn't report it to the authorities because had I been the Jelly Fish I too would have stung me as I was partaking in an aggressive breast stroke. I'm not sure if this is true, but I once heard that if you get stung by a Jelly Fish you are supposed to pee on it? Does anyone know if this is true? I didn't try it (really), but if this is fact maybe next time.

Tonight the low is 30 degrees Celsius... this my friends to does not make for optimal sleeping conditions, however, still better than the -45 some folks had to do with not too long ago.

Things I like this week
1) Ordered 3 large pizzas for $3.95 each.. can't beat that.
2) Erin and I went to the movies the other day.. old fashion type theater. Well Erin decided to put her feet up and the cushion on the chair in front of her went flying forward and hit the seat in front of that. Well... this old building you can feel every time some even bumps the seats, so a guy sitting about 10 seats over feel forward and yelled our "JEEEESSSUUUUSSSS" After the cushion hit the row he was sitting in. You can't really appreciate the humor in this unless you were there, but let me tell you.. there is nothing funnier than a guy falling out of his seat and yelling in a empty movie theater.. classic I tell you. I couldn't laugh because I didn't want to hurt the guys feelings, but I had tears running down my cheek. You may have noticed that this was a run on sentence, but I didn't take a breath so it is ok.

1) Price of coffees went up here in Adelaide as did the price of bread.

Friday, February 16, 2007



I have a confession to make... I don't follow any form of race car driving whatsoever. The only time I watched a race was a few months back when I watched an entire F1 race where Michael Schumaucer (pretty good chance I spelt that wrong) and some Italian construction worker went head-to-head and Michael (notice how I avoided spelling his last name a second time?) ended up winning and then the next day at school some guy struck up a conversation about the previous nights race and I was able to talk like an expert... well a lying expert but I digress.

Anyways, that was a long winded story to provide background to what I really want to talk about. Seeing as though its 40 degrees out I'm trying to find any old reason to stay inside so on cnnsi I was looking through pictures of celebrities and their predictions for the upcoming Daytona 500. One of the pictures was of Nancy Pelosi (Speaker of the house in the U.S. for anyone who is not familiar. She was the 10th person to be asked who she thought would win. Most of the people answered with a"I love John Doe because hes super cool" or "Jimmie Johnson has the same name as me, so obviously I have to route for him." What I am getting at is that most of the answers were fairly simple... Then we had to ask a politician (Nancy Pelosi and this was her answer...

"My colleagues and I recently had the pleasure of welcoming Jimmy Johnson to the capitol to congratulate him on his success as Nascar champion. He is a gifted athlete, a great ambassador for the sport of Nascar, and my pick to win the Daytona 500."

Why is it politicians have to make everything so much more difficult than it has to be? A simple "I think Jimmy Johnson is going to win" would have sufficed. At no point did anyone need to know where Jimmy has recently been (Capitol Hill apparently), why he was there (to be patted on the back), and what he is good at (Ambassador for the Sport of Nascar).

Since when did Howie Mandel become a celebrity?

A recent blog reader stated that it was about time I showed my face around here... well I didn't want to scare the kids so I had to stay away for awhile, but they're sleeping now so I'm back.

Off to the beach...

Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Home Sweet Home

I only have a minute, but I just wanted to make a quick post to say that
A) I'm alive
B) The blog is back in business
C) My favourite thing about being an adult and buying my own groceries is that I can eat watermelon when I want and as much has I want... I love watermelon